moduleExists('schema_metatag')) {
$requirements['metatag_schema'] = [
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO,
'title' => 'Metatag',
'value' => t(' Metatag is recommended'),
'description' => t('The Metatag module is highly recommended to add JSON-LD -formatted compatible data structures to the site.', [
'@module' => '',
'@jsonld' => '',
'@schema' => '',
else {
$requirements['metatag_schema'] = [
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
'title' => 'Metatag',
'value' => t(' Metatag is installed'),
'description' => t('The Metatag module is installed.', [
'@module' => '',
return $requirements;
* Remove tags in field storage that match default or are empty.
function metatag_update_8101() {
// Get all of the field storage entities of type metatag.
$field_storage_configs = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['type' => 'metatag']);
foreach ($field_storage_configs as $key => $field_storage) {
$field_name = $field_storage->getName();
// Get the individual fields (field instances) associated with bundles.
$fields = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['field_name' => $field_name]);
// For each of the fields, delete all records that match the defaults.
foreach ($fields as $field) {
// Get the bundle this field is attached to.
$bundle = $field->getTargetBundle();
// Get the default value for this field on this bundle.
$field_default_tags_value = $field->getDefaultValueLiteral();
$field_default_tags_value = $field_default_tags_value[0]['value'];
$field_default_tags = unserialize($field_default_tags_value);
// Determine the table and "value" field names.
$field_table = "node__" . $field_name;
$field_value_field = $field_name . "_value";
// Delete all records where the field value and default are identical.
->condition('bundle', $bundle, '=')
->condition($field_value_field, $field_default_tags_value, '=')
return t('Removed all default meta tag records so they can be automatically inherited when the page is loaded.');
* Remove tags in field storage that match default or are empty.
function metatag_update_8102(&$sandbox) {
// This whole top section only needs to be done the first time.
if (!isset($sandbox['records_processed'])) {
$sandbox['records_processed'] = 0;
$sandbox['total_records'] = 0;
$sandbox['current_field'] = 0;
$sandbox['current_record'] = 0;
// Counter to enumerate the fields so we can access them in the array
// by number rather than name.
$field_counter = 0;
// Get all of the field storage entities of type metatag.
$field_storage_configs = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['type' => 'metatag']);
foreach ($field_storage_configs as $key => $field_storage) {
$field_name = $field_storage->getName();
// Get the individual fields (field instances) associated with bundles.
$fields = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['field_name' => $field_name]);
// For each of the fields, do the mass delete of exact matches but
// store the overridden records in the sandbox to be batch processed.
foreach ($fields as $field) {
// Get the bundle this field is attached to.
$bundle = $field->getTargetBundle();
// Get the default value for this field on this bundle.
$field_default_tags_value = $field->getDefaultValueLiteral();
$field_default_tags_value = $field_default_tags_value[0]['value'];
$field_default_tags = unserialize($field_default_tags_value);
// Determine the table and "value" field names.
$field_table = "node__" . $field_name;
$field_value_field = $field_name . "_value";
// Get all records where the field data does not match the default.
$query = \Drupal::database()->select($field_table);
$query->addField($field_table, 'entity_id');
$query->addField($field_table, 'revision_id');
$query->addField($field_table, 'langcode');
$query->addField($field_table, $field_value_field);
$query->condition('bundle', $bundle, '=');
$result = $query->execute();
$records = $result->fetchAll();
// Fill in all the sandbox information so we can batch the individual
// record comparing and updating.
$sandbox['fields'][$field_counter]['field_table'] = $field_table;
$sandbox['fields'][$field_counter]['field_value_field'] = $field_value_field;
$sandbox['fields'][$field_counter]['field_default_tags'] = $field_default_tags;
$sandbox['fields'][$field_counter]['records'] = $records;
$sandbox['total_records'] += count($sandbox['fields'][$field_counter]['records'] = $records);
if ($sandbox['total_records'] == 0) {
// No partially overridden fields so we can skip the whole batch process.
$sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
else {
// Begin the batch processing of individual field records.
$max_per_batch = 10;
$counter = 1;
$current_field = $sandbox['current_field'];
$current_field_records = $sandbox['fields'][$current_field]['records'];
$current_record = $sandbox['current_record'];
$field_table = $sandbox['fields'][$current_field]['field_table'];
$field_value_field = $sandbox['fields'][$current_field]['field_value_field'];
$field_default_tags = $sandbox['fields'][$current_field]['field_default_tags'];
// Loop through the field(s) and remove any field data that matches the
// field default for that bundle. Because the ability to override a default
// with "nothing" didn't exist prior to this and because any tag that had
// a default of "nothing" would have that also in the field data, we are
// removing those as well.
while ($counter <= $max_per_batch && $record = $current_field_records[$current_record]) {
// Strip any empty tags or ones matching the field's defaults and leave
// only the overridden tags in $new_tags.
$current_tags = unserialize($record->$field_value_field);
$new_tags = [];
foreach ($current_tags as $key => $tag) {
if (!empty($tag) && $field_default_tags[$key] != $tag) {
$new_tags[$key] = $tag;
if (empty($new_tags)) {
// All tags were either empty or matched the default so the record can
// be deleted.
->condition('entity_id', $record->entity_id)
->condition('revision_id', $record->revision_id)
->condition('langcode', $record->langcode)
else {
// There are some overridden tags so update the record with just those.
$tags_string = serialize($new_tags);
$field_value_field => $tags_string,
->condition('entity_id', $record->entity_id)
->condition('revision_id', $record->revision_id)
->condition('langcode', $record->langcode)
// We ran out of records for the field so start the next batch out with the
// next field.
if (!isset($current_field_records[$current_record])) {
$current_record = 0;
// We have finished all the fields. All done.
if (!isset($sandbox['fields'][$current_field])) {
$sandbox['records_processed'] += $counter - 1;
$sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
// Update the sandbox values to prepare for the next round.
else {
$sandbox['current_field'] = $current_field;
$sandbox['current_record'] = $current_record;
$sandbox['records_processed'] += $counter - 1;
$sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['records_processed'] / $sandbox['total_records'];
if ($sandbox['total_records'] > 0) {
return (string) t('Processed @processed of @total overridden Metatag records.', [
'@processed' => $sandbox['records_processed'],
'@total' => $sandbox['total_records'],
else {
return (string) t("There were no overridden Metatag records.");
* Move field defaults to Metatag Defaults.
function metatag_update_8103() {
$config_installer = \Drupal::service('config.installer');
$entity_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
// 1. Install cofiguration.
$sync_status = $config_installer->isSyncing();
if ($sync_status) {
$source_storage = $config_installer->getSourceStorage();
// Clear plugin manager caches.
// Install default configuration of the module.
if ($sync_status) {
// Install new configuration for Metatag.
$config_installer->installDefaultConfig('module', 'metatag');
// Apply all entity definition changes.
// 2. Extract Metatag field defaults.
$entity_info = $entity_manager->getDefinitions();
$tags = [];
// Get all of the field storage entities of type metatag.
$field_storage_configs = $entity_manager
->loadByProperties(['type' => 'metatag']);
foreach ($field_storage_configs as $key => $field_storage) {
$field_name = $field_storage->getName();
// Get the individual fields (field instances) associated with bundles.
$fields = $entity_manager->getStorage('field_config')
->loadByProperties(['field_name' => $field_name]);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
// Adjust the config id depending on whether these are entity defaults
// or bundle defaults.
$entity_type = $field->getTargetEntityTypeId();
$bundle = $field->getTargetBundle();
$metatag_defaults_id = $entity_type;
if ($entity_type != $bundle) {
// This is a bundle override.
$metatag_defaults_id = $entity_type . '__' . $bundle;
// Extract field default values.
$field_default_tags_value = $field->getDefaultValueLiteral();
$field_default_tags_value = unserialize($field_default_tags_value[0]['value']);
$field_default_tags_value = array_filter($field_default_tags_value);
// Don't bother copying empty values.
if (!empty($field_default_tags_value)) {
$tags[$metatag_defaults_id] = $field_default_tags_value;
// 3. Create Config entities with field default values.
if (!empty($tags)) {
$bundleInfoManager = \Drupal::service('');
foreach ($tags as $metatag_defaults_id => $values) {
list($entity_type, $entity_bundle) = explode('__', $metatag_defaults_id);
$entity_label = (string) $entity_info[$entity_type]->get('label');
$bundle_info = $bundleInfoManager->getBundleInfo($entity_type);
$bundle_label = $bundle_info[$entity_bundle]['label'];
$label = $entity_label . ': ' . $bundle_label;
$metatags_global_manager = $entity_manager->getStorage('metatag_defaults');
$entity = $metatags_global_manager->load($metatag_defaults_id);
if ($entity) {
// These are defaults for an existing config entity, such as User.
$entity->set('tags', $values);
else {
// These are bundle overrides.
$entity = $metatags_global_manager->create([
'id' => $metatag_defaults_id,
'label' => $label,
'tags' => $values,
return (string) t("@count Metatag field defaults have been converted to using global entity defaults.", ['@count' => count($tags)]);
else {
return (string) t("There were Metatag field configurations that needed to be converted.");
* Rebuild routes after moving Metatag admin from Structure to Config.
function metatag_update_8104() {
* Rebuild routes after renaming.
function metatag_update_8105() {
* Add the metatag_defaults config entity to the site.
function metatag_update_8106() {
* Enable the new metatag_open_graph module.
function metatag_update_8107() {
return (string) t("The new Metatag: Open Graph module has been enabled.");